80% of our funding comes from you, our fantastic supporters.
Vital care is only possible for local people because of the generosity of you, our supporters.
Just 20% of the hospices income is provided by the the Somerset CCG, so we rely on the loyal and kind-hearted people of Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset and Sedgemoor to raise the rest.
Every penny we receive from revenue made in our shops, from your event sponsorship, corporate donations and gifts left in wills ensures you, our brilliant supporters, fund 80% of the hospices operating costs.
Each minute of help we receive from treasured volunteers contributes to saving the hospice more than £1million per year in wages. They provide essential supporter across the organisation by helping at events, assisting the retail team and providing vital support to the clinical team.
Team members (4)
- £310 of £100
- £115 of £100
- £110 of £150
- £95 of £250