Support the lost, abandoned and homeless animals in our community by joining us for a VIRTUAL Barkfest & Rover Romp 2020 for an entire month of August. Help AVHS raise funds $35,000 to help the animals in our care and to subsidize our human services and humane education programs.
Join us for a Facebook Live Barkfest kickoff at 11 am on Saturday, August 1st. Show your support by walking, running or exercising with your pooch in a park, or in your backyard (keeping safety and social distancing in mind).
COVID-19 has severely impacted our community and our animals. More dogs and cats are in need of lifesaving care, loving attention, and forever homes than ever before. It has been a challenge to give these animals the care they need. Our resources have been stretched to the limit. We know that you are passionate about animals and the impact that Auburn Valley Humane Society has made on the animals. Know that your donation is making a difference for animals... they are not alone.
Team members (2)
Join team- US$645 of US$500
- US$630 of US$500