Welcome to our page!
With just our sleeping bags in our backpacks and our thumbs at the ready, we are enduring an 8000km ride down the North American continent.... that's right we're hitchhiking! We start our journey in Prudhoe Bay, a remote oil field on the Northern Tip of Alaska, and make our way through Canada before finally reaching Los Angeles, California.
We are challenging ourselves to this wild ride is in memory of:
Bob Roberts (1966-2019) and John Gripper (1929-2021). We are raising money for Parkinson's UK and the Contented Dementia Trust in their memory. Both suffered considerably towards the end of their lives, and every penny counts towards the research and support that reduces the future suffering for others. If our cause resonates with you, please consider sparing some change to one of our fundraising pages below.
Thank you for all your love and support,
H and Ed
Please Note: Due to the way we had to set up our fundraising as a "team" on Just Giving, there are two separate fundraising pages for our hitchhiking trip, one for Parkinson's UK and one for the Contented Dementia Trust. Our goal is to raise an equal amount of money for each of the charities. If you have a strong preference to donate to one particular charity, please go ahead, but if not please consider donating to the cause for which less money has been raised, or donate equal amounts to both. Thank you very much.