Thank you for visiting and reading my story. On Monday 23rd October, i will be joined by some of my Haircuts4Homeless team and together we will be sleeping out with some other amazing people to raise awareness and funds for homelessness . We will be experiencing just one night of what it is like to be sleeping outside in whatever weather, with just the clothes we are wearing and a sleeping bag. We want to raise homeless awareness and funds for organisations that support people who are in this unfortunate position. Our charity, Haircuts4Homeless are a group of hairdressers and barbers and we offer our time free to cut hair and give what often is an unaffordable luxury to someone who is experiencing homelessness. We give dignity and self esteem back to someone who has lost this along with their confidence. A lot of people think its just a haircut, but its do much more than that.! Please, any donation helps and very is much appreciated. From my team and I, THANK YOU 🖤💈✂️

Team members (9)
Join team- £1,396 of £1,000
- £960 of £500
- £462 of £100
- £440 of £500
- £405 of £500