A couple of gays on an adventure through India featuring the LEGENDARY Sophie Ellis-Bextor
We are officially "Oh you're the Tuk Tuk guys" LEGENDARY Sophie Ellis-Bextor 28 June 2023

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The Story behind it all:
One drunken night we (Terry - no relation to Terrence Higgins, and Liam) boozily chatted about a fun Tuk Tuk/Rikshaw adventure Terry had heard about from some backpackers years prior. Fast forward about 10 years and we're getting ourselves ready to go to India for a 4000KM road-trip on a glorified lawnmower this September for two reasons:
1 - Its going to be fun as hell
2 - We get to raise money for an incredible charity!
We've had the honour of marching with Terrence Higgins Trust in London Pride for many years and it's not just the most fun day of our year, but also incredibly humbling to see the impact that THT has on our LGBT+ community and beyond. Terrence Higgins Trust is the UK's leading HIV and sexual health charity. They support people living with HIV and amplify their voices, help the people using the services to achieve good sexual health and strive to remove the stigma of living with HIV.
The Adventure:
But where does Sophie Ellis Bextor come in?? Firstly, why the hell not? ... but, rewind to two homosexuals atop a sand dune in the South of Spain, drunkenly dancing their speedos off to Sophie for about 10 hours straight
- We were hooked -
How can we get through 8-10 hours a day, driving a tuk tuk through India every day for two weeks? With a Sophie Banger after Banger after Banger!!
Will Sophie Ellis Bextor be there in real life?? Who knows??
Our tuk tuk adventure happens to coincide with a gap in her Kitchen Disco tour dates so we're very hopeful! And if for some strange reason she cant make it, we'll be subsidising with Cardboard Cutout Sophie who's a hell of a close second.
Team members (1)
- £510 of £500