So ... After a few wines back in October 2019, we thought it would be a fantastic idea to sign up to the Great South Run (Which apparently is 10 miles and not 10 minutes/metres).
Of course when Covid hit in 2020 and the GSR was cancelled, despite all the training we hadn‘t done, we were devestated 🙄
Forgetting to cancel our entry for 2021 and with only 6 months to go we have decided to take on 6 monthly challenges to help us raise £600 to split between two charities close to our hearts.
We are realistic so have set our own fines of £2.50 if we miss a day but are determined to challenge ourselves ready to cross that finish line in October and prove that we CAN do this!
So yes, please do donate and if you have any suggestions for us for our next challenge, do let us know.
Social media group/page will come soon to evidence our progress!
Thanks in advance and if anyone wants to join us, please let us know!