Des (FFS Beauty Founder / Owner) is running the London Marathon on the 21st of April, trying to set a record for the fastest marathon completed whilst dressed as a giant razor (The FFS Beauty Mascot)🪒 😃
In doing so he is also trying to raise an equal amount of funds for two charities, one which is a longtime supported charity The Headcase, Cancer Charity Trust.
The other charity being The Peter Pan Centre, a very worthy special needs childrens charity based locally to FFS HQ in Staffordshire that was founded the same year Des was born 👶🏻 in 1969!
Both charities rely purely on donations to keep them going so every penny helps as they say! 😊😊
If you do kindly wish to donate and you have no preference as to which charity then bear in mind we're trying to achieve an equal split between charities so maybe choose which based on that👍.
Thank you all so so much 🙏
Headcase Cancer Trust
Des has been a supporter of Headcase for many years supporting regular fundraising events including volunteering as a support guide rider for the charity's gruelling annual 'Pedal the Pyrenees' 800km mountain cycle event.

Headcase is a young and vibrant Charity with a slightly irreverent approach to a very serious subject matter, and definitely a maverick approach to fundraising. Glioblastoma Multiforme is the most common and most deadly type of brain tumour, killing around 5000 people each year in the UK (that’s 5 times more than all the other 130 types of brain tumour put together!). Average life expectancy with a GBM, from diagnosis, is a mere 14 months. There is no cure. GBM has the highest number of Life Years Lost of any cancer at 20.1 years!
The Peter Pan Centre
The Peter Pan Centre was founded in 1969, as a playgroup for children with disabilities, and unique across Staffordshire.
Their specialist learning through play sessions help 0-5 year-olds with special needs to learn new skills, gain confidence and make friends, positively impacting them now and for the rest of their lives.
They also support families to meet their children’s needs in the home and provide them with respite. They help give children with special needs the best possible start in life.