Roundabout is South Yorkshire’s local youth housing charity providing shelter, support and life skills to young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
We are Izzy, Vas and Tim - the Evo-Sumos raising money for Roundabout homeless charity, sponsored by Evolution Power Tools because it's our local youth housing charity in our home of Sheffield, the steel city.
Shop at Evolution (donation of company profit goes to Roundabout)

Bangers and Cash is back on the road! From 14th - 18th September 2023 up to 40 teams of intrepid adventurers will take on the ultimate challenge, to take art on tour by travelling through eight countries and completing 1092 miles from Sheffield to Munich in a car worth £1500 or less! 40 teams, 8 countries, 1092 miles.
The Evo-Sumos will be driving a Japanese Honda-CRV worth 1.5k...

Each team will be going the distance to help to end youth homelessness by supporting Roundabout, South Yorkshires youth homeless charity.

Team members (1)
Join team- £1,823 of £2,000