We will be joined by family and friends, forming Emily’s Army, to walk the Twilight Walk 2025 in London for The Brain Tumour Charity.
Our daughter, Emily, died in August 2022 of a diffuse midline glioma. Emily was just 8 years old and had her whole future ahead of her. Her type of tumour has no cure and so much more needs to be done to help research into more effective prevention and treatment so families like ours have more hope in the future.
We are walking the Twilight Walk again this year, with family and friends, in her memory, as Emily’s Army, to help raise awareness of this devastating type of cancer. Emily was a huge Harry Potter fan so we are taking inspiration from Dumbledore’s Army for our team name. She would love that.
Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under the age of 40. We believe that fighting brain tumours on all fronts of research, awareness and support is the only way to save lives, reduce long-term disabilities and to help everyone affected by a brain tumour. We need your help because a cure can't wait.
Tribute members (20)
- £735 of £500
- £575 of £200
- £450 of £100
- £289 of £100
- £250 of £100