We are building a school in Muomj-da that was destroyed by a typhoon just before the summer holidays. It needs to be repaired by September/Autumn term for the new academic year. The school supports several of the local villages and has 350 children attending. These are extremely disadvantaged communities and are very very poor, without education these children have no future, it is their only way out. To rebuild the school and re-equip it will cost between £10,000 – £15,000, our volunteers are on hand to help the local villagers in preparing to clear the site for local professional builders to move in and replace the roof, re-tile etc. They will start work on 6th August and we are aiming to complete the work by the 31st August 2024. We will be providing daily updates on the progress of the work as we go along. The funds required will cover the costs of replacing equipment (tables, chairs, books etc).
50% of proceeds will be going towards building a new school in Muomj-da, which we will be flying out to Vietnam to help build, the other 50% of proceeds will be going towards the Atlantic whale and dolphin project and marine conservation.
Whales and dolphins are essential to our marine ecosystem. Whales contribute toward more than half the air that we breathe. Both whales and dolphins play a vital role in providing the essential nutrient food source needed by phytoplankton. Phytoplankton form the base of the marine food chain and without it marine life cannot exist, without our marine life earth would gradually lose its beautiful white sand beaches, the coral reef ecosystems would be overgrown with algae, lots of people would run out of food to eat, and we would lose some of the planet's most fascinating creatures.
Unfortunately our marine life is become more and more endangered caused by human activities, which is why we need your help to make a difference and protect there habitats.
Any donation will make a difference, from as little as £1-£20, anything is greatly appreciated!
Team members (2)
- £220 of £1,000
- £65 of £1,000