Although Liz did not have any children of her own, her tireless interest and love of young people was manifested through her career choices. Her abundance of Godchildren amongst close friends and family is testament to her joy of being central to children's lives. Liz championed many children's charities during her lifetime, both in the UK and internationally. She sought to improve and transform the lives of disadvantaged children, through charities that focussed on introducing children to both the Arts and classical music, and supporting those that gave children access to inspirational activities. Liz highlighted the needs of children and teenagers who through life circumstances become carers, and tried to make their lives easier. She chose the NSPCC and UNICEF, for any donations made in her memory, possibly for a current disaster fund. As both charities are currently working very hard to support children specifically affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, we know that Liz would want to help them in achieving that aim.
Choosing the first team below connects you to donate to NSPCC.
Alternatively choosing the second team donates to UNICEF.