Dear friends, thank you for visiting this page, please read all the way to the end for 4 different ways you can help.
This time last year, I decided to give running a go and managed to run over 100 Km in May. With your generosity, we managed to raise over £5000 for brain tumour research.
This year I will run 200 Km in May for two very important charities:
Brain Tumour Research and Breast Cancer Now.
Both types of cancer affect thousands around the world, and closer to home we have friends and family going through treatment right now.
Any progress may have a big impact for someone, so please consider any or all of the below...
1. If you feel you can, please donate a small sum for one or both charities.
You will see two listings below with my name, the first is a link for Brain Tumour Research and the second for Breast Cancer Now. Please choose one or both and donate away! Each has it's own story if you want to read these.
2. Please share this link with three friends, and ask them to donate £1.
Lots of small donations can make a big difference.
3. Click on the 'Join the team' button hidden under the main image of me looking puffed out, create a JustGiving page for one of these charities, get running, or start any other activity you can be sponsored for, and click the join the team link on this page.
4. Please come and join me on a run! Every Saturday morning in May meeting at 0845 and starting at 9 am, Hampstead Heath Park Run and I will post about other runs soon.
Best wishes and thank you,