This September, I am attempting a marathon distance swim- swimming 10km down the River Dart in Devon. 10km is 400 lengths of a 25m pool! This is no mean feat having only ever swam a 3km distance before. The challenge is referred to as the equivalent of running the London Marathon so I’ve got some serious training to do! 🏊♀️
Whilst doing this I am raising money for two very important charities- Level Water & Hope Against Cancer.
Level Water use the power of swimming to improve lives for children with disabilities. Swimming for children with disabilities is the biggest unmet need in sport. The water takes your weight; it’s a true leveller. It relieves pain and offers freedom and independence that many children with disabilities never experience elsewhere.
Hope Against Cancer provide funds for local cancer research to improve the lives of cancer patients in Leicestershire. They have funded over 100 research projects tackling many forms of cancer. In 2012 they opened a dedicated clinical trials centre at Leicester Royal Infirmary to offer patients access to new medicines and therapies. They also fund two nurses who add to the care and support trials patients receive.
I’d really appreciate any support you can offer to either of these amazing charities.
Thank you!