Highland Dancers (names below) all over Europe came together, at a distance, to show our appreciation to NHS workers as well as our support to those struggling mentally during these challenging times.

On Thursday 16th April just after the 8pm clap for carers, dancers took to their doorsteps to dance a traditional Highland Fling. Videos of all the individual dancers will be combined to create one group video to show that although we can't be together we can still unite and continue to do what we do best.
We would like to say a huge “Thank You” to the NHS and all key workers during the Covid-19 crisis!
We hope this video reminds everyone to stay strong and that you're not alone. Group Highland Fling
Please donate whatever you can to the charities below;
NHS Charities Together, Mind, Young Minds and Age UK Hertfordshire.

Dancers who took part:
Elysia Hockley, Katie Forbes, Ashleigh Forbes, Heather Yuen, Amy Pearson, Heather White, Lucy Judge, Lucy McGreavy, Gina Townsend, Helen Newman, Amanda Esslemont, Emily Chamberlain, Lindsey Deavin, Kathy Harrow, Phoebe MacDonald, Daisy Watkins, Deborah Frazer, Catherine Brown, Scarlett Harrington, Heather Nelson, Elissa Davies, Olivia Davies, Milly Glover, Charlotte Glover, Kelsie Gilmour, Ceelie Moffat, Jorja Walker, Justin McGinglay, Summer-Rose McGinlay, Aimee Ballantyne, Scarlett Girvan, Summer Girvan, Tilly-Ann Pinder.
Marquis of Huntly's Highland Fling - Julia Read
Amazing Grace and When the Battle's O'er - Neil Esslemont