Children, Young People and Family Health Directorate are raising money for our awesome Youth Board to have a wellbeing day and to help them make real, one of their amazing ideas to help others.
The group of children and young people who give up their time in a voluntary capacity to help the UHB make changes with children in mind and uphold a children’s rights approach in all major decisions are keen to improve the patient experience for children and young people who become patients in our hospitals.
They particularly want to provide something for those children who (especially if aged 16 or 17) might find themselves in adult areas, such as the emergency department or on adult wards.
They had an idea to provide ‘comfort boxes’ for those children, which would contain identified items to improve their time in hospital. The items were chosen by young people and included headphones, toothpaste and a toothbrush, a stuffed toy, a spare T shirt, a mindfulness colouring book and pencils and lip balm.
We are looking to make this fantastic and compassionate idea a reality for both the Youth Board and the children they want to help. To do so, several staff members and a young person are jumping out of a plane! Yes, we are crazy in this Directorate but very passionate about supporting Children & Young People! Please support the team and help to raise money for this worthwhile cause.
Team members (5)
Join team- £1,181 of £400
- £657 of £400
- £455 of £400
- £435 of £400
- £305 of £400