Well done Carolyn, Christine P , Bob W, Steve S, Derek W, Philip L, Janice D, Mike D, Rosemary B and David B for taking part in the Maidenhead Boundary Walk in early October. You braved the weather and the mud and we've smashed through the £1,500 target and could even double it! Unfortunately four of us, including me couldn't take part due to injuries and needing to isolate. I'm hoping to do later in the year with my husband Simon and depending on the rules at the time - others might join us.
Thanks to everyone who has supported us by making a donation to the Magpies 150 Challenge charities on this page and leaving messages of encouragement! The Challenge is going on for a while so there is still time to sponsor us. If the person you'd like to sponsor hasn't set up their own fundraising page then please donate to the team captain Chris with a message to say who you are supporting.
Further info about the Boundary Walk at:
Team members (9)
Join team- £718 of £100
- £505 of £1,000
- £160 of £500
- £305 of £150
- £460 of £400