We started walking the Camino de Santiago 4 years ago and are finally going to finish it this year. When we started the walk in 2018 it was a year after Fraser died 8 years after being diagnosed with a brain tumour. He was our husband, brother and brother-in-law. Fraser was a very fit and able man in his fifties who had a very healthy and active life . One day he had a seizure and on investigation he was discovered to have a malignant brain tumour on the frontal lobe. He had a successful operation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy and although he had a personality change some processing and balance problems he did really well. His mobility suffered and gradually he became less mobile dying suddenly from a pulmonary embolism which may have been caused by his increasing sedentary lifestyle. This lifestyle so different from the active sportsman he once was. We are joined on the walk this time by my new husband who is very supportive of this cause as he too has lost a very close friend to brain tumour. A famous climber and mountaineer. We would like to dedicate our walk to the brain tumour charity and hopefully raise some funds to invest in brain tumour research and support families affected.
We walked 100km/60 miles from Sarria to Santiago in 2018 then 160 Km/100miles from St John Pied de port to Logrono in 2019 and now we wish to finish the French route from Logrono to Sarria September this year which will complete our 790km/490 mile walk.
Thank You for your donations
Alma, Sandy, Betty and Andrew
Team members (3)
- £1,760 of £274
- £445 of £274
- £40 of £274