**new date 17th April**
As some of you may know, a couple months back my family were hit with the unfortunate news of our Dad having two brain tumors. After running many tests, the results happened to be the worst, that they were malignant and incurable. They had spread rapidly/aggressively, leading to him being given only months to live. My heart breaks and my eyes fill up having to type this, it’s something that unfortunately does happen in the world, you see it but you never think it will happen to you or your family. I would not wish the pain I feel on my worst enemy, knowing there is nothing I can physically do adds to that pain. 2020/2021 have been horrible for everyone! We have all been affected by the on going’s in the world, so with all the restrictions I’ve been limited as to what I could do!
So after having a little think of what to organize/do to help the amazing Sue Ryder Wheatfields Hospice, who are the end of life team looking after him, I decided to take on the Three Peaks Challenge! I’m fortunate enough to have a few good friends agree to take part in this with me and my younger brother without any hesitation. Therefore, a team of 6 of us will be aiming to get this smashed 6 weeks from now! A lot of you reading this know my dad well, and know he is one of the funniest people you could ever have the pleasure of meeting, he’s yet to fail to put a smile on the face of anyone I’ve introduced to him! If this is something I can do to put one back on his then so it shall be! I ask for people to donate whatever they possibly can to help benefit this Hospice, every little helps... I know it’s a financially tough time for many people, but if you can spare anything I will be forever grateful. This means a lot to me, I’m asking all my family and friends to try their best to support us by donating whatever you can.

Team members (1)
Join team- £3,060 of £145