After months and months of running/training on our own, working from home and no running events to keep us motivated, we eventually have the Endure 24 Event in our sites! What's Endure 24 I hear you say!! Well, as they call it, it's the Glastonbury for Runners! A weekend of fun and excitement!! Actually, in reality, it's a weekend of brutal cross country running where the race lasts for a full 24 hours and we need to see how many 8km/5mile loops of the course we can complete in that time.
Fortunately, not all of us have to be out on the course at any one time! We have a 4 man team where we'll always have 1 person running. We expect as a team to cover around 250km's in the 24 hours (around 64kms each), likely with very little sleep and very sore legs! It'll be fun - right?!
Anyway, the 4 of us, myself, Stephen Brewer, Simon Pickup and Chris Paul are all looking forward to it, but what we really need is a bit of added motivation to keep us going, i.e. in the form of sponsorship and knowing that we are raising money for our local school - Charles Kingsley in Eversley.
We'd all love it and be really grateful to you all if you'd sponsor us and help keep us motivated when we are out on the course at 3am in the dark and likely wet conditions wondering what the hell we are doing! :-)
Thank you.