Barclays Thames Valley branch colleagues are coming together to get behind the Battens Disease Family Association, moved by the story of Addy Clark and the brilliant work this charity does to support families impacted by this tragic and terminal disease. Many are unaware of the BDFA and the key support is gives to families impacted by Battens but also little awareness due to the severe rareness of the disease.
Batten disease is a group of rare, progressive neurodegenerative, genetic metabolic diseases that occur in children & adults worldwide. The BDFA's Vision is to be the central point of excellence in the UK for supporting affected families funding research into a potential cure.
Funding is critical for this charity and one of the key needs right now is below:
"We are looking to raise funds towards a potential compassionate use programme using Brineura ©, an enzyme replacement therapy, to help maintain eyesight in children with CLN2. Currently, this potential programme would only be for children who are already accessing Brineura © but offers potential hope to children diagnosed in the future."
Like all medical trials, treatment or support funding is needed crucially and we aim to raise as much funds as possible for this brilliant organisation. Please support us.
Team members (10)
- £867 of £1,000
- £840 of £1,000
- £768 of £1,000
- £685 of £1,500
- £680 of £1,000