‘When your walking the destination is not important, the process of walking itself is your journey’ - Satish Kumar
I’m setting out on a pilgrimage, of paths unknown. Who would like to come join me along the way?
.With health allowing I will be stepping out , along the the Cornish Celtic way, this September. An ancient 215 mile pilgrimage on foot, starting in St Germans and finishing in Newlyn, the place I now call home.
This is a pilgrimage of thanks, for the people and charities that supported me in the darkest days of my transverse myelitis spinal injury. The TM society provided me with bursaries for extensive physiotherapy and life coaching. The Brain And Spine Foundation, with a 24hr nurse support line and The Merlin MS Centre for all the support they give right here in Cornwall. All have been pivotal to accepting and living with my life changing illness and disability.
Life changing conditions are exactly that, turning everything upside down with fear, and uncertainty. Many of which have no cure, no fix, no ‘getting better’, and leaving at times, very little hope for patients or their families. Help is need to to adjust, adapt and slowly start accepting and cultivating connection between mind and body and find freedom in a new way of living. I will be raising funds through this journey to help others find a way with their ‘new normal’, with aid of these bursaries and would be so grateful for your support along the way.
This pilgrimage walk isn’t about a dogmatic challenge or pushing of physical endurance. Living with illness and disability is already a physical, mental and emotional challenge on a daily basis. One that goes unnoticed, un-celebrated living in a Society which though its ideologies of ego, doesn’t fully engage, empathise or support the very human aspect of life.
This is a slow pilgrimage about cultivating awareness, empathy, compassion and connection. Connection to mind, body, self, nature and others. Moving at a slower pace allows for this connection, for the path to unfold and give space for the unexpected. Synchronistic encounters and beautiful moments of realisation that go unnoticed under the premise of ‘challenge’. There is so much to be learnt from walking in this way, and I hope this will open up paths of conversation and exploration.
There are so many other charities offering support that are just as important and uniquely personal, So dm me if you would like to join me this journey and add yours.Thank you for support,
Ali xx