We believe in the work that VOA Chesapeake & Carolinas does to support our veterans. Help us make sure vulnerable veterans are not left behind as we respond to COVID-19.
As we all shelter-in-place and follow the guidelines of our nation’s medical experts, we can all do our part to help veterans who are struggling remain safe, sheltered and cared for.
We're asking for your support in our effort to help our country's heroes through our Mean Green Jelly Bean Challenge.
Donate at least $10.00 to guess the total number of jelly beans in the jar! You get one guess per donation. You can guess as many times as you like. The first person to make a donation and submit a number closest to the total number of jelly beans without going over wins.
To make a guess, submit a number of jelly beans in the “Your Message” box when making your donation. See example below.

The winner will receive a $100 VISA e-gift card at the end of the challenge. The winner will be announced on July 1st.
All proceeds go to Volunteers of America Carolinas’ programs that assist homeless veterans in obtaining or retaining housing stability. Let’s get those best guesses going!
Challenge will end on June 30, 2020.
Team members (2)
- US$35 of US$1,000
- US$155 of US$1,000