We are the 3 Amigos - Courtney, Stacy and Zoe. We all work at Beeches Kennels, and unfortunley due to the hard times we are all facing with the current situation we have been unable to work.
We are all very passonate about our job, so have decided to use the time we have off to try and help raise some money. We have set our daily steps target to 15,000 each, and will be aiming to complete our step challenge 25th - 31st May 2020. If we are back to work by then we will be increasing out step target to make it more challenging.
The money we raise are vital funds for Guide Dogs to help those with sight loss step out with confidence. The sponsorship money you help us raise really will make a difference. Just £140 could buy a Starter Kit for a new guide dog owner, containing everything they need to start a life with their new guide dog, this includes the iconic white harness.
We hope you guys can help up meet our target amount of £150, we will keep you updated on our step counts daily and pictures on the way.
Team members (3)
Join team- £90 of £150
- £60 of £150
- £45 of £150