Palestine Music Expo (PMX)
Palestine. September 2023
Seven years ago we started on a journey that would end up becoming a movement – one that would connect the music, creativity, and talent of Palestine to the rest of the world. Thanks to many of you, the first three editions of PMX changed the lives of Palestinian musicians in ways neither we nor they could ever have imagined.
As with the inaugural event in 2017, PMX 2018 and PMX 2019 were an overwhelming success, and gave a huge boost to the hopes and aspirations of many Palestinian musicians and artists. During this time, we managed to be the catalyst for a lot of good stuff! Thanks to the opportunities were were able to generate, these crucial connections between the Palestinian music community and the international music industry were cemented:-
15 festival and showcase bookings / 9 record deals / 6 booking agency deals / 5 distribution deals / 5 publishing deals / 4 management deals / 4 international collaborations / 4 mentorships / 1 songwriting camp
However, just as we were really picking up momentum, we had to press pause until the global pandemic had subsided. Sadly, when the rest of the world started picking up the pieces, our efforts to restart with PMX 2022 were brought to a crashing halt by the unique security problems faced by Palestinian musicians. It broke our hearts to cancel PMX 2022. We knew how much the Palestinian music scene was waiting for it, and we knew that the problems we were facing provided the most 'in-your-face' example of why PMX was so needed in the first place. However, we had to prioritise people's safety and bite the bullet. Now though, in 2023, PMX is more necessary than ever and we we are using the learnings from last year to build in contingency plans to handle the risks for this event. We are confident we can make PMX 2023 happen......but we need your support.

Please make a donation to PMX and know that you are giving Palestinian musicians a voice that the world can enjoy.
Many thanks.
Team members (2)
Join team- £836 of £800
- £0 of £3,000