Three lads, three bikes, and a crazy plan. Everything that could go wrong probably will, but that's not going to stop them. These naïve and inexperienced fools will push themselves to the very edge and beyond to raise money and complete LE JOG!
What is LE JOG?
In short, it's traversing the length of Great Britain between the two extremities, Land's End in the Southwest to John O'Groats in the far Northeast. The route covers a distance just shy of 1,000 miles, which they plan to cycle in 10 days. Recommended training is at least 8-12 weeks, covering hills, miles and practice with loaded panniers; as officer cadets at Sandhurst, they haven't had time for any of that!
Why Cancer Research UK?
Due to the effects of COVID-19*, Cancer Research UK has had to cut its research budget by £45 million.
This is approximately half of what the charity would typically be spending. It means dozens of potentially life-saving projects and hundreds of world-class scientists have been left unfunded.
These cuts will have long-term effects. A shrinking research portfolio will not only slow down future breakthroughs for people with cancer but could seriously reduce the chances of reaching the charity's goal of 3 in 4 people surviving their cancer by 2034.
Who are the foolhardy three?
We are Tommy, Grant, and Eliott, officer cadets at RMA Sandhurst with at least two things in common:
1) we've peeked at and are attracted to the space beyond our respective comfort zones, and
2) unfortunately, have seen first-hand the devastating impact cancer can have.
Needless to say, we are funding this gruelling and 'arse' blistering trip ourselves. However, we hope that our suffering will be rewarded by your show of support for Cancer Research UK.
Why am I putting my body through hell?
Military humour and banter aside, this is why I'm going to put my body through hell.
My godfather, the man who taught me to ski and sail developed cancer, and whilst incredibly brave and stoical, he followed the all too common decline and weight loss, these photographs are two years apart... the last one was two months before his passing. Cancer research and the corresponding medical advances are the only way we can reduce the horrific impact cancer has on way too many families every month and every year... please, can I ask you to check your coat pockets or under the sofa and donate anything you find!

Follow our journey on Instagram: #3foolscycle; we'll update with photos… beautiful weather, stunning scenery, and I have a sinking feeling, extreme chafing!
Many thanks
We do not believe we will be in breach of the current COVID restrictions…
Charitable services are currently regarded as a 'Reasonable Excuse' for travel and leaving your home in the UK.
Team members (3)
- £323 of £333