I'm going to aim to cycle 1200 miles between 1st June - 31st August. I thought it would be good to raise some money to keep me on track and keep me going when it's typical Scottish summer weather!! Riding for the Disabled do great work by providing a service to the local community allowing children and adults with special needs access to riding and working with horses and ponies. I have helped with 2 local groups and know that they are in need of some extra help to keep the facilities as well as the horses and ponies fed and looked after during this period of Coronavirus social distancing. A lot of charity funding has stopped and been diverted to coronavirus related work. The children and adults that would normally come to the RDA sessions are missing their weekly equine fix and hopefully it will be able restart some time in the future.
Please donate to both Tweeddale Rideability group and Thornton Rose Riding for the disabled. Each page is linked to my name in the 'Team members section' (Top one is Tweeddale and the lower one is Thornton Rose) It would be greatly appreciated xxx