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Our mission to end educational inequality drives everything we do. We seek, develop and support teachers and leaders who are determined to make a difference where it's needed most. We're fighting to make our education system work for every child.
Teach First Registered charity number 1098294
"Take it easy Clare - we don’t want you injured before Saturday, M&M"
Michael Gilmartin donated
€100.00 + €0.00 Gift Aid
"Thank you for another brilliant Run the River Team Thomlinson"
David Thomlinson donated
£3,000.00 + £750.00 Gift Aid
"Great Cause!"
Bridget Kennedy donated
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
"Great cause. Good luck to all runners!"
Calvin Lui donated
"Great work everyone!"
Michele & Steve Gasper donated
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
"Go Leigh!"
Lauren Almey donated
£5.00 + £1.25 Gift Aid
Rollo Crichton-Stuart has raised $8,568.33 so far
Ludgrove Father and Teacher Press Up Challenge
Rebecca Murray has raised $2,264.11 so far
MS ABS - Inflatables team
Annie Turnbull has raised $411.33 so far
I'm We're raising money for Annie Turnbull because , with schools, they help children reach potential