About St Patrick's Church of Ireland, Ballymena
We are an Anglican Church based in Ballymena, governed by the Church of Ireland. We seek to promote God's mission and will in the parish pf Kilconriloa and Ballyclug.
Our mission is to bring the Good news of God to this area of the world and beyond.
The Good news that through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus victory has been won over all the dark forces. Through identifying with Jesus all can be freed from the things that would drag them down and freed for a full and joyful life.
Good news indeed – each and every one of us loved by God who longs for us all to have life and for his kingdom to come on earth as in heaven. This is our challenge: to accept this good news into our hearts and to share it with our hurting world.
As a church family we seek to take up this challenge. Despite all our limitations we pray that God can still work through us to further his purposes. As a church family we are seeking to make friendships with God, each other and the wider world and to do so in a spirit of thanksgiving, service, love and humility. We encourage church members to find new ways to carry out our mission, implementing it through church activities and also in our daily lives.
St Patrick's Church of Ireland, Ballymena Registered charity number 103115