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Stickler Syndrome UK aims to raise awareness of Stickler syndrome amongst the medical profession; promote the value of early diagnosis and help preserve vision, hearing and mobility (particularly the prevention of sight loss in children and adults).
Stickler Syndrome UK Registered charity number 1060421
"In memory of Valerie Tabor x"
Alice Page donated
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
"In memory of our dear friend Valerie Tabor who died recently from Stickler Syndrome related causes. Forever in our thoughts."
Brenda Landers and Paul Tabor donated
£60.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Thank you for the support you have given to my grandson"
Anonymous donated
"My grandson has just been diagnosed with Stickler Syndrome. Your group has already provided the family with information and support. Thank you"
"Well done. Donation for my 2 year old son with Sticklers. X"
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
"My donation is in memory of Wendy Hughes, a remarkable woman and inspiration to everyone who met her. "
£1,000.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Asim Dilaver has raised $1,683.68 so far
Asim's Talkto my family, friends and colleagues.
Emma King has raised $699.37 so far
Real Estate's Walk to Space