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Speldhurst rec is maintained by trustees and is funded by donations and village is not maintained by the Parish Council. The maintenance costs far outweigh annual income. If every family donates £30 per year we can cover maintenance costs and plan improvements too. Please donate!
Speldhurst Recreation Ground Registered charity number 302846
"So important that everyone in the village helps."
Neil and Helen donated
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
"Thank you for your efforts in keeping such an important village asset in good order."
Alex Longshaw donated
"Thanks for your help organising, would be great to have the net and keep all children safe to play. "
Tina Solanki donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
"Good luck with the fund raising."
Crispin and Diana Saunders donated
"Thank you for coordinating this and for all that you do as Trustees to nurture this special space for our community x"
Emma Phillips and Paul Schofield donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"With many thanks."
Macpherson family donated
£60.00 + £15.00 Gift Aid