About Shoulder To Shoulder Inc
In 1990, Dr. Jeff Heck of the University of Cincinnati Family Medicine Department in collaboration with the people of Santa Lucia, Intibucá began providing health care services in rural Intibuca, Honduras. This work became Shoulder to Shoulder, a private, non-profit, non-governmental organization. In a spirit of collaboration and empowerment, Shoulder to Shoulder and local community leaders formed Hombro a Hombro, a grassroots, community-based, non-profit NGO registered in Honduras since 1998. Shoulder to Shoulder and Hombro a Hombro work together, guided by a single vision, united in a single mission.
Vision: People of the frontera, known as the Dry Corridor of Intibucá, Honduras, live longer, healthier, more productive and fulfilling lives in a strong community.
Mission: To work together with our communities to create, implement, and operate equitably accessible, sustainable health, nutrition, and education services.
Shoulder To Shoulder Inc Registered charity number 311487319