I am a work and organisational psychologist, passionate about helping individuals and organisations to negotiate the speed bumps of life and avoid the road blocks. Recently I have become much more involved and interested in the subject of neurodiversity, how this affects individuals and, equally how this can affect families and carers. Founded in 1955 Botton was the first Camphill centre to offer opportunities to adults with learning disabilities and other special needs. The work carried out and the support of the staff is phenomenal, not to forget the support of families, but I feel that more needs to be done to raise awareness of this commitment and hopefully raise funds to increase this vital support. To do this I will be carrying out an endurance event which is likely to be a world record. I will be rowing for 50,000 metres on a concept 2 indoor rower for 50 consecutive days, ending on my 50th birthday - hence the 50,50,50 challenge. This will significantly test my endurance and resilience but spare a thought for those with learning disabilities and their families and the ongoing endurance and resilience that they demonstrate day after day. I'm passionate about helping so please support me on this challenge in anyway that you feel appropriate.