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Skin Cancer is one of the most common cancers and numbers are increasing rapidly. Most forms of skin cancer are not life threatening but the most serious form malignant melanoma can be deadly. This charity funds research into the causes, prevention and treatment of skin cancer.
Skin Cancer Research Fund Registered charity number 284582
"In gratitude for the absolutely fantastic care I received from the dermatology team at the Bristol Royal Infirmary. You guys are really special!"
Professor Paul Williams donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"In celebration of my 70th birthday."
Trish Ladd donated
£70.00 + £17.50 Gift Aid
"Keep up the great work"
Nick McDonald donated
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
"From the Clients of Lady's Wood Shooting School"
Anonymous donated
£90.00 + £22.50 Gift Aid
"In loving memory of Val Cockman"
Joffers, Janey and Nick donated
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
"From Christina at @christinacakeco who made a fabulous cake for us! "
In memory of Peter England donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
Conor Crowley has raised $2,302.93 so far
John Murray Annual Golf Day
Neil Curry has raised $2,037.71 so far
Debbie's page
Clare Hamilton has raised $1,966.55 so far
In loving memory of Linda
Garry Wilberforce has raised $562.80 so far
Garry's page
Darren Pentelow has raised $177.25 so far
I'm I am fundraising for Darren Pentelow because I and anyone could be affected by this disease.