I am running the Great North Run this year for a little boy called Oliver Osborne. He is 3 years old but was born 12 weeks prematurely weighing just 2lb 12ozs. At the age of 15 months old Oliver wasn't reaching any of his milestones, his parents were told that Oliver has a condition called Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy and he may never walk. They were absolutely devastated but have since been doing everything they can to give him the sort of life he deserves. He would desperately love to walk and run with his big sister and friends and play on a scooter outside. There is an operation that could help him to do this... It is called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy. Unfortunately this is not funded by the NHS so Oliver's parents are fundraising to take him to the US for the operation. This costs £37,000 and Oliver will need years of intensive physiotherapy costing around £20,000 a year both before and afterwards. Please help me to raise some money to give this little man the chance to walk and do something that everyday we take for granted.