This year marks fifteen years since the original 24-hour Resident Evil Challenge attempt by Nougie and Nathan back in 2005. After five years away from the series, the duo will pair up with Nathan's sister, Izzy to attempt to beat 12 Resident Evil games within 24 hours!
We've managed to raise £6K throughout the pandemic for the NHS Heroes charity, but after the George Floyd incident, have decided we need to do what we can to raise support and awareness for hate crimes.
Stop Hate UK is one of the leading national organisations working to challenge all forms of Hate Crime and discrimination, based on any aspect of an individual’s identity. They provide independent, confidential and accessible reporting and support for victims, witnesses and third parties.Hate Crime is one of the most underreported crimes in the UK and, whilst we know that reported incidents are on the rise, we also know that the number of actual incidents is way in excess of those reported.