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We are the Regimental Charity of The Queen's Royal Hussars set up a long time ago to look after the needs of all our serving and retired soldiers - and their families.
THE QUEEN'S ROYAL HUSSARS COLLECTION TRUST Registered charity number 1077734
"Wishing this every success. Good luck for a very worthy cause. I would like Gift Aid to apply to my donation and to any future donations to the QRH Regimental Charity. As the donor I understand I nee"
Anonymous donated
£500.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
£50.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"This is such an excellent cause for the benefit of the Regimental history, please donate whatever you can to help us buy this building and develop a new QRH museum. Thank you. "
£250.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
£20.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid