Whilst bored with nothing to do, members of the UK Smash Bros Melee community started a fun wager between our respective cliques to see who could raise the most money for the charity organisation Mermaids UK in one month, largely through friendly competition with donations paid out by the losers!
After reaching an astounding £500 of direct donations after just 4 days and receiving significant outside interest, we decided to make a Just Giving page to facilitate administration (so the total from the initiative is quite a bit higher than displayed here!)
Mermaids are a great charity that provide support to Trans and Gender Non Conforming Youth in the UK, an issue that is close to many of our hearts. From the Mermaids website: Mermaids overarching aim is to create a world where gender diverse children and young people can be themselves and thrive; to this end, our goal is to relieve the mental and emotional stress of all those aged 19 years and under who are transgender, non-binary and gender variant, as well as to promote education and awareness.