I suffered from Chronic Pain for 4 years whilst at school. This meant my attendance at school was around 50% at the best of those times. During those 4 years I had many medical tests and operations, including the removal of my malformed, ectopic, mal-rotated right kidney which seemed to stop the pain but it came back after around 6 months. In the end I have had a Peripheral Nerve Stimulator implanted along with a wire running along a nerve which has successfully controlled my pain. I have now been at university for three years and have been thoroughly enjoying life.
However I know there are still people out there who suffer similar pain to myself and those who have worse Neurological disorders. Therefore I have decide to do some fundraising for The Brain Research Trust. The Brain Research Trust enable research to be conducted into Neurological conditions (like Chronic Pain) and help people who suffer from worse conditions as well. I see myself as very lucky that I have been given a method to control my pain but others can't and suffer a lot worse than I ever did.
So to raise money I will be taking part in the following races over the next month or two:
Spartan Super (13+km, 21 Obstacles): 31st August
Spartan Sprint (5+km, 15 Obstacles): 7th September
Cardiff Half Marathon (21km): 5th October
Spartan Beast (20+km, 26 Obstacles): 11th October
Please give generously as I put myself through these gruelling obstacle races and long distance race!!