For all my sci-fi nerds, Trekkies, geeks and con goers
Every February the sci-fi ball is held for the just cause of teenage cancer trust. In its almost three decades the ball has raised tens of thousands of pounds to help towards the teenage cancer unit.
Unfortunately this year, due in part to illness, the ball is unable to go ahead but many of its patrons are eager to still commemorate an event that has forged so many wonderful friendships, all while donating to a fantastic cause.
So with this in mind I am hoping to bring us all together for “faux con”, a weekend of drinks, games and time to celebrate our friendships, whilst also hoping to raise some of the annual donation that the sci-fi ball usually raises for teenage cancer trust.
For those attending I have a bucket to gather any loose change that I can, but for those who cannot attend, I have set up this page. I know we can’t raise the kind of sum that Bret, Annie, James and the many wonderful crew help to achieve but anything that can be spared from any of those that support this wonderful event, will help fill the void that they are leaving.
So if you support the supreme effort the ball is dedicated to, or even if you just support the life changing efforts of teenage cancer trust, any spare pennies or pounds will be greatly appreciated.
LLAP my fellow geeks!