Dear friends, thank you for visiting this page and reading below.
This time last year, I decided to give running a go and managed to run over 100 Km in May. With your generosity, we managed to raise over £5000 for brain tumour research.
This year I am giving 200 Km in May a go.
Why brain tumour research?
Last year I told you about my friend from university, same age as me, in excellent health, who was hit with the shock news of this diagnosis. It has been a tough uphill road for him.
I'm not sure if this helps in anyway, but if he can struggle through what he has, then I will help in any way I can.
I hope this small gesture, gives strength, hope and encouragement.
Please donate a small sum, and share this with two or three friends, or a few whatsapp groups and ask them to donate £1. Lots of small donations can make a big difference. If you donated last year thank you and no obligation to donate again, but please do share this with your friends and family.
Many thanks for reading this far.
Best wishes