William's Mammy, Debs, is embarking on a courageous journey to make a difference in the life of a little warrior named William. On June 22, 2024, Debs will be participating in a thrilling wing walk to raise funds for the cause "Little Warrior William".
William's story is one of resilience and hope. At just 16 days old, he contracted Group B Streptococcus, which resulted in a devastating brain injury. Now, at the age of 2 and a half, William faces significant challenges. He has been diagnosed as severely sight impaired and experiences global developmental delay. His journey requires extensive therapy, specialized equipment, and ongoing treatments.
The funds raised through this personal challenge will provide William with the opportunities he deserves. They will enable him to access the best therapy available and receive the support he needs to thrive. Additionally, these funds may contribute towards future home adaptations that will ensure William can live a comfortable and happy life at home.
We invite you to join us on this incredible journey of hope and transformation. Your support can make a world of difference for William and his family. Together, we can empower this little warrior to overcome his challenges and reach his full potential.
Let's rally behind Debs as she takes flight for "Little Warrior William"! Donate today and help us reach her target amount of £1,000.