While the Grand Organ of Exeter Cathedral is out of action from January to February this year for some much-needed TLC, I have taken the opportunity to perform the complete Well-Tempered Clavier (BWV 846-963) by J. S. Bach. This is a collection of preludes and fugues in every key (on each of the 12 notes), major and minor, twice -- thus, 48. I will be playing these as voluntaries before and after choral services in the Cathedral from 9th Jan to 2nd Mar, on the grand piano or on the Cathedral's 4-stop Tickell chamber organ of 2007. The last few performances will be on the Grand Organ after its return
This project will be in aid of the Cathedral Choir's tour to Normandy and Paris in July 2025. If you feel willing and able to support, then please do so here. Otherwise, please do support by coming to any choral service to hear some lovely Bach!