Max Lowe is running Walk the Wight on Sunday 11th May for Hamish Barry Hutton-Lowe, who was born sleeping on 13.12.24 at 32 weeks.
Sadly, every year in the UK thousands of people experience the loss of a baby whether that be in pregnancy or at/soon after birth.
The loss of a baby can have far reaching effects. Good care cannot eliminate the pain and grief families experience, but it can help them through this devastating time and that’s exactly what the Kings College Hospital Bereavement team have done for Hamish’s family.
Harriet and Tim have shared how the team at King’s supported them through their journey with Hamish, from meeting them in the delivery ward, following up throughout the Christmas break, supporting with the organisation of Hamish’s funeral and checking in with them both regularly. They have made this unimaginable time a little more manageable.
At Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust there are 3 dedicated Bereavement Midwives (2 at Kings College Hospital and 1 at Princess Royal University Hospital) that aim to provide excellence in bereavement care to help families who experience the loss of a baby. We are passionate about continuously reviewing and developing the service to increase the support offered to families at this difficult time and all monies received will go towards improving the service.