This is my wonderful friend Sarah’s story…
Sarah’s twins, Charlotte and Eva (above), were born 12 weeks early in 2011 they weighed just 2lb 8oz (1.1kg) and 2lb 2oz (980g). After 79 days in neonatal intensive care (NICU), Charlotte came home and is now a healthy, happy 12-year-old who attends a local school and loves performing. Sadly, Eva died aged six months following surgical complications.
Sarah is a wonderful friend and incredibly inspiring. She helped to set up The Smallest Things which is dedicated to creating a better world for premature babies and their families after neonatal care.
It’s impossible to know what it’s like behind NICU doors unless you’ve walked those corridors, scrubbed your hands, heard the alarms and felt the fear of losing the most precious thing in the world to you. We get it because we’ve been there too. The Smallest Things is run entirely by parents who’ve had premature babies. And that’s exactly what inspires us to support families, raise awareness and instigate change.