John & I surprisingly welcomed our darling son Joseph Taylor Brown into this world 14 weeks early on 27th September 2012 weighing only 1lb. 11oz..
He was transferred to St Thomas Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in London. The dedicated, caring staff looked after Joseph and us so very well.
As you can imagine the practicalities of travelling & staying in London can be extremely costly & stressful. Ronald McDonald house provide a 'home away from home' for families who have a child in hospital. .
Once a bed became available at Ronald Mcdonald house we were given a room for as long as we needed which we prayed would be a long time.
After one short, but very precious week spent with our darling son, Joseph passed away peacefully in our arms. We shall treasure every second we had with him especially the time when we finally got to hold him close.
Many of our family & friends got to meet our darling son & everyone’s support has been, and will be, what helps us through. Joseph will always be a special part of our lives and with our family & friends his memory will always be kept alive.
We hope by telling our story we can raise awareness & some money for this fantastic help families who will be able to stay at such a friendly comfortable place during their difficult time.