You are invited to make a donation to the Rhode Island Community Food Bank through the URI Child Development Center's Online Art Exchange. Donations of any amount from $2 up can be accepted. In exchange for your donation of any amount, you can stop by our booth at the URI Memorial Union on Thursday, December 7 between 10:15 am - 12:15 pm to receive a token of thanks (options include handmade bookmarks, greeting card packs, colorful shoelaces, and more as supplies last). We hope you can help us to reach our goal of raising $1,000 for the food bank through our early childhood community service project!
The Rhode Island Community Food Bank acquires and distributes food to neighbors in need through a statewide network of 159 pantries and meal sites. Each month, 54,000 Rhode Islanders receive food assistance at these agencies. 66% of households served by food pantries include seniors and/or children. Since the Food Bank purchases nutritious food in bulk, your donated dollars are leveraged to get more food than can be purchased at the grocery store, thereby getting more food out to those in the community who need it.
Thank you for supporting our fundraising campaign for the Rhode Island Community Food Bank!