Myself and Ian are taking on the challenge to walk 10 miles late at night to raise money for Kirkwood Hospice.
My mum is currently receiving palliative end of life care in Kirkwood Hospice, and we would like to say a big “thank you” for the care they are giving her, keeping her comfortable and looking after her so well. They are an amazing team of nurses and volunteers.
For over 40 years my mum has dedicated her life to volunteering for charities as she loved making a difference and raising money. She would sometimes work at a few different charities within the same week!! It was her life and her passion.
For 16 years she worked tirelessly for the Kirkwood Hospice shop in Almondbury. But sadly gave up due to her cancer diagnosis during covid. Which saddened her. She has worked the shop floors, and in the background sorting out the donations. Not only was she busy in the shops, she also was bringing her work home and disappearing up into the attic which was her little workspace, where she would clean, sort and mend donations make them presentable, especially at Christmas time so they could raise as much money as possible. Alongside her collecting lavender and creating lavender scented bags and also crocheting blankets , amongst many other things..
She would never have thought that one day she would be in need of palliative care, we see the full circle of her journey, from dedicated volunteer to recipient in care, her story is a powerful reminder of the impact of charity.