When growing up, Barry Fitzgerald was always a giant of a man! Throwing me around the lounge like a wrestler and greeting me with the firmest handshake until I was rolling around on the floor!
He wasn’t a member of my family. But I always felt like he was an Uncle, as he was so kind, funny and great to spend time with.
Whether it was singing a song at the dinner table or commanding the attention of the whole room while telling a funny story, he was an adult that I always looked up to…physically and metaphorically!!
The cruel disease that is Motor Neurone Disease just doesn’t discriminate. It sadly took this tall, strong, friendliest of giants away from those that loved him. Thank you to his wife, Kate and his children, Tara & James for fully supporting me in doing this walk in his memory. I can hear his big laugh at the very thought of me walking that far for him!
Details of the whole event are below.
That’s right….a lifelong Norwich fan finishing a day of walking at…Portman Road!! You must have meant a lot to me Barry!!
I can enter others to be part of my team and we already have several signed up! (Listed below)
All donations are so gratefully received. But if you want to take part, please contact me and join our team!! £10 to enter and you will be part of this fundraising page. You can walk as many stages as you want. From 3 miles up to 34. Starting and finishing where you want. It would be great to have as many people as possible join me.
Our team…so far…
Tom Livermore*, Katy Livermore, Daniel Bell*, Marion Livermore, Paul Eastall, Clive Livermore
(* walking the whole 34 mile day)
On March 21-23, over 500 walkers will be taking part in March of the Day II, a 176 mile walk from Wembley Stadium to Ipswich Town in support of Marcus Stewart, Stephen Darby and the Darby Rimmer MND Foundation. Our route will see us call at 25 other football stadia along the 56 hour route.
The Foundation has three main aims
- Raise awareness if MND
- Support those families facing the MND battle
- Fund important research into a cure
Your donations are hugely appreciated. More information can be found at