Mental health challenges in the young are a very serious issue in the UK and many other countries.
As CEO across a Group of a businesses in the ever-youthful advertising sector where a reported 2/3rds of all calls to the UK ad industry charity NABS help line are regarding mental health issues, the problem couldn’t be more acute. My daughter Ella is from a cohort of young people in the eye of this storm and has seen firsthand people around her exposed to this catastrophic crisis and the battle to overcome the severe challenges.
With this in “MIND” Ella and I have signed up to run the Royal Parks half Marathon on the 8th October on behalf of the Mental Health Charity- MIND and we are going to try and raise £10,000.
She’s just cycled from Manchester to Edinburgh, I’ve just got back from Galway races in Ireland … so both our training programs are well on track!
Give generously, it’s a serious challenge for many young people, it’s a very good cause.
This is often very personal to the families and young people exposed to these challenges and possibly this note will resonate with some of you or you will know somebody going through a similar experience or indeed you may not know but the chances are that you do know somebody but are not aware.
Thank you – if I beat her the Guinness is on me.