Sarcoma is a rare type of cancer which can affect any part of the body. There are around 100 sub types of sarcoma and it is the third most common cancer in children and young people. The five year survival rate for sarcoma is 55%. Sarcoma UK is a small but growing national charity that funds vital research and has so far invested £6.5 million in 85 research projects. It also supports those affected by sarcoma, raises awareness, and campaigns for better treatments.
Sue's husband John was diagnosed with sarcoma in 2016 and underwent extensive surgery and radiotherapy. John is well at the moment but a very good friend of Sue's and a lovely human being, Dr Julie Barker, died far too young of sarcoma in 2020. John and Sue are both Sarcoma UK Ambassadors, and Sue will be taking part in the Great North Run for the fourth time, but this year will be joined by daughter Vivienne (a hard working GP and mother of three) and granddaughter Lily who has just achieved a 2.1 Honours degree in English at Liverpool University, and a keen supporter of Sarcoma UK.
Training has started in earnest at Gilling. Sue has a natty new running outfit and some classy new trainers (Not worn indoors!). She often takes Tilly, our Wire Haired Vizsla, with her and Tilly is really getting into the spirit of things. If a swim is involved even better!
We finally managed to get all three runners together for a team photo which has now been posted